You Will Never Run Out of Blessings, There Are Plenty For All

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God made the entire world totally symmetrical. For everything that was created, there is an equal and offsetting counter part. Because of this, everything in and on the earth could be in perfect balance and run smoothly just as God intended and designed things to be. Perfect balance…no glitches,…life is so good. It was all divinely designed so that everything that happens to us works together for good.

Included in the “mix” of the created world was a human being who was given a free will to choose,…to choose which way to live his own life without interference from his Creator.

May I say to you that one of the choices all men or women must make as they exist on the earth is the mindset or mental attitude they choose to live by and/or live with. Such an attitude can be either an attitude of abundance or an attitude of scarcity. An attitude of abundance means that there is plenty for all so everybody may take, use, consume, or create as much as they desire. There are simply no limitations on anything. The supply of opportunity and resources with which to grow, build, and create is endless. Having an attitude of scarcity means there is never enough to go all the way around for everyone to get a share,…so you better hurry up and get your share as soon as is possible before things run out and leave nothing for the late comers.

I must tell you that our Creator, Almighty God, is a God of abundance,…not scarcity. He truly wants for us to have everything we desire and need,…and then some more,…plenty more for everyone.

The human mind is the control center for all human activity and accomplishment. The brain is the connecting link between man and God.

The means of connecting the thoughts and intentions of God to and for mankind is prayer, His written Word, biblical prophecy, the created heavens and earth, and the miracle of live birth. God reveals Himself to the thinking man or woman by and through these five resources.

No person can ever claim ignorance of the existence of a Creator greater than himself because these five resources totally reveal His mighty works to all of mankind anywhere on earth.

You can claim ignorance or even stupidity about there actually being a Creator of the Universe, but it holds no validity. God is Truth and The Truth always wins out over the lie or the half-truth. Here is the Truth: Never before in all of history have two different species ever cross bred and produced a living hybrid. And never before, in the total history of life as we know it, has something been created out of nothing! We exist only because of Divine Design by a being greater than ourselves. That’s It…Period! End of conversation.

Human beings are indeed products of their own thought processes. You, in fact, do become just like what you think about most often and most regularly. Consequently, having and exercising a mindset of abundance always produces MORE of that which you are attempting to accomplish than does operating out of a mindset of scarcity.

All successful people who have actually achieved great success in life know that all success is achieved in the fringe of fear. To accomplish great things in life a person must stretch himself out of his comfort zone and into the fringe of fear, because that is the arena in which the opportunities for great success lie. Success for the vast majority of people today is really a scary thing or experience. Now hear me well, Whenever you are frightened, your senses become more acute. You live and act with much more focused attention. You become much more aware the the things and people near or around your own location. Whenever you live and work inside the fringe of fear, you are putting yourself into the proper position so as to give yourself the greatest chances for real success to occur in your life.

Please seriously consider this concept:

Man cannot discover new oceans of opportunity unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Our Divine Creator knew full well how important it is for his finest creations, both man and woman, to seek out and develop new and exciting things in their lives. He knew the importance of being able to attempt to do more and greater things than just the normal everyday run-of-the-mill type efforts and accomplishments. Whenever a person steps into the arena of the fringe of fear he is operating in unknown territory. Consequently, he or she has to trust their Creator and follow His guidance in total and unabashed faith. Here is how God tells us how it all falls into place. The instruction and warning is recorded in the Holy Scripture in the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 10, verse 38 NKJV:

“Now the just shall live by faith;
But if anyone draws back,
My soul has no pleasure in him.”

If you desire God’s help and assistance, you must operate and perform in total faith and obedience to His Word.

These two concepts of the world of opportunity and the mindset of abundance can best be explained through a true story that occurred in the early years of man’s exploration of the world and its major locations and civilizations. Permit me the pleasure of relating the story to you…..

The nation of Spain once controlled both sides of the Mediterranean Sea (north and south) at the Straits of Gibraltar. The narrow passage way at the southern tip of Spain connected the Mediterranean Sea and all of it’s exotic commercial ports of entry with and to the Atlantic Ocean. Control of such a place was a very powerful position for any seafaring nation to possess.

With great pride, the Spanish nation created and minted precious metal coins depicting the two Pillars of Hercules–the name given to the promontories of gigantic barren rock sitting almost as monolith guards on either side of the salt water passage way. Over the top of the pillars on the coin, the minters placed a curving scroll on which were stamped the words,…“ne plus ultra,” which means “no more beyond.”

Then one day, later on in time, bold Spanish sailors made their way through the Straits of Gibraltar and headed for the open high seas. They sailed south to Africa, then around its horn to Asia, and eventually across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World in what is now known as North America.

The Spanish authorities wisely rethought their position and quickly stamped out a new set of metal coins. These new pieces of silver resembled the old coins except that one word, “ne” had been eliminated from the scroll over the two pillars. The curving scroll on the new coin now read “plus ultra”–“more beyond.”

It has always been this way….once you depart from your own comfort zone in your life, and enter into the fringe of fear,…you don’t have to know everything about the unknown or even how it will affect you. You just have to progress in a forward direction, discovering all new things as they come into your life, and then handle, manage, or change those things that arise as best you are able so as to continue to progress in the direction of your chosen destination.

Regardless of your position today, take hope in the fact that there is always “more beyond” for you! Life has greater blessings in store for you, and eternity holds the greatest potential for blessings than you will ever know…until your spirit actually gets there.


Peace And Love to All of You……………….Poppa Bear

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