Will All Of The Real Men Please Stand Up And Be Counted

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Isn’t it amazing to watch people, to observe them living together, working together, playing together, hanging around together, just being normal people together? I certainly think so. People are absolutely incredible to observe… from a distance. I once heard a very prominent man say that a person’s character is defined by how he conducts himself when no one is watching him.,…when he is all by himself. Maybe that is why I so enjoy watching other people… from a distance.

Sadly today in America, a state of “wimpitis,” “weenie-hood,” and “mouseitis” has grown to epidemic levels within our population. Males, (and I cannot call them men because their personal behavior or lack thereof), have been so feminized, demeaned, wrongly educated, and “sissified” by our nation’s political correctness, progressive liberal political influence, and lack of other manly teaching and training,… that our country is now facing a major internal crisis. America is suffering from a severe shortage of REAL MEN. I am talking about testosterone-filled men. Hair-growing men. Bold, believing, and caring men. I am talking about providing men, patriotic men,…head-of-the-house men,… and spiritual-leader type men. I am in reference to good and godly men like those who helped settle and found our nation. Men like those who led the general population across this vast country in the days of the pioneers. I am talking about men like the great military leaders who led companies, divisions, armadas, and squadrons of armed service men into battle in order to protect and defend our national and sovereign rights so that we may continue to exist and remain free. I am talking about men who would willingly give their own lives as a sacrifice, if called to do so,… so that all those people in the generations coming behind them would be able to continue to enjoy living in complete freedom and peace.

You see, a male who isn’t sure what or who he really is cannot fill those above mentioned roles. A male-with-a-tail is incapable of boldly leading anybody,… including himself. A member of the masculine sex cannot fulfill any manly responsibilities if he is unaware of what those responsibilities are, and hasn’t ever learned how they are to be met. It is “Father-power” i.e. the training and equipping of a young male (by his own father or surrogate father) as to how to live a good and godly life, and properly care for and support himself, and then later his family. Only a good and godly real man is qualified to teach a youthful male how to become and conduct himself as a good and godly real man. Women, even those who are mothers,… don’t know how to do that and therefore are not qualified to teach their sons how to properly do it either. Now ladies,….before you place me on the skewer and drape me over the flames, please relax, settle down, and think my statement through. I love you, but….let’s just be honest,…You cannot effectively teach that which you do not know!

Readers,…I think you will have to agree with me, … America is in deep and serious trouble.

America as a world leader,… as a Christian-Judeo based country,… as an example to the rest of the world,… of how to properly conduct yourself in a righteous, godly, and loving manner, is totally failing to achieve what it needs to show the rest of the world. The major reason for America’s failure to properly perform is that there are so few real men left in our country to carry on this society’s national responsibility.

There is only one thing that God can use to make a man….a little boy!

Human beings are best taught by example. People do what people see.

As a young Captain in the U.S. Army, while on a week’s leave from duty, my bride, Jany, and I visited the The Parthenon in Athens, Greece. In one of the great public squares, along one of the walls, there were stalls with sitting benches and hand carved chairs in blocks of marble. These were the “seats of learning” where all the great philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, authors, and other such intellectuals came every day, sat, and taught their selected students that which they had spent their lives learning. The “seats” were roped off and were not to be sat in or walked upon by the viewing public. Amidst high volume vocal protests, warnings, threats, and admonitions from my bride and other viewing tourists,…I simply could not resist. I leaped up and over the rope fence, dashed up to Aristotle’s Chair, sat down and savored the “moment of occupation” in the teaching chair of one of the great men of world history. I have to admit that I felt like Aristotle was right there sitting beside me. But what I want to share with you now through this story is how the life long principles of success never change over great lengths of time. Is it possible that my sitting in that very chair I just described, still gives cause for Aristotle’s words of truth to continue to ring loud and clear to me down through the ages from ancient times? This great Greek Philosopher, Aristotle, declared: “All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind are convinced that the fate of Empires depends on the education of youth.” How very true that statement was in the ancient days of Greek civilization….and how true it remains today. As I just placed that last period on my computer keyboard the almost “eerie” thought skipped across my mind. Could it have possibly been for this very reason of sharing with you Aristotle’s words today,…that I was internally inspired over 46 years ago in a foreign country to leap over the barrier fence and quickly occupy the great Aristotle’s teaching chair? I do know this…nothing happens to us or through us by accident. Only God Almighty has the ability to look inside a man’s heart and to also accurately predict the future. WOW! Is it possible that God really does have a predetermined plan for the use of our lives?….I know He does,…because He says in His Word that He does!

Let’s take a moment and review what our population has, through the Constitution-granted voting process,… elected to national as well as state and local levels of government leadership. Practically every thing that God says not to do, our elected officials have put into law so as to authorize the citizens to do.

Government officials expect our citizens to obey their government laws and they expect the teachers of the government owned and operated public school system to teach American children how to live and how to do,…the exact opposite of what God’s Word tells them to do! What a tragedy! No wonder our children are messed up and so confused. Certainly not every one, but far too many staff members and other school officials and also government officials at all levels,… demonstrate that it is all right to have no moral character. It is O.K. to lie, cheat, and steal. It is O.K. to pass laws and then refuse to obey them. It is O.K. to disregard our U.S. Constitution and its constraints. It is O.K. to overspend and therefore fail to provide anything but a burgeoning national debt taking all of us ever faster toward national bankruptcy and all of the chaos that such an event will bring along with it. It is O.K. to say and agree to do one thing and then turn right around and fail to live up to your word. No wonder no one trusts any one any more. It is O.K. to violate God’s Laws, remember those were only the Laws on which our country was founded….so what? It is O.K. to pass laws that permit our people to violate God’s Laws. It is O.K. to teach a boy how to be a girl and a girl how to be a boy. It is O.K. to permit same sex marriages in direct disobedience to God’s commands. It is all O.K. You don’t need to worry about it, if it doesn’t pertain to you. It is O.K…. It is O.K. to destroy a living human baby in its mother’s womb with impunity. It is O.K. to fail to teach our own children our own system of government and our free enterprise system of economics. Bring them up ignorant so that they won’t ever know how and why things were originally set up by the Founding Fathers. It is O.K. to improperly and immorally rewrite the real history of our blessed nation and not be corrected or penalized for doing it. It is O.K. to fail to teach our own children how to succeed financially so that they never may learn how to provide for and support themselves and their families. Just teach them how to get as good a job as they can find and be satisfied to work for wages all of their lives and hope that the wages they receive will support their lifestyle,… knowing full well that they never will. Well that then gives all the more reason to implement another entitlement program given by the federal government even if they cannot afford to give it. It is O.K. Just keep spending money that you don’t have…Just keep spending us as a nation into oblivion. It is O.K….. Oh the list could go on and on forever. Now the saddest of it all… is that each and every day our government just keeps breaking more and more of God’s Laws as they have no fear what-so-ever of our Creator God. All that I can say is that they better have an asbestos suit ready to wear, because God specifically warns us not to mock Him.

You see friends, where the break down all begins is by doing the unrighteous, immoral thing even if you are legally permitted to do it. Man has an ugly and highly destructive built-in sin nature. Laws, rules and regulations that openly give permission to violate God’s Laws throws the door to our self-control mechanism wide open,…thereby permitting Satan and all of his demons to come full speed crashing into everyone’s hearts and minds. That is not a very intelligent thing to do. It will have disastrous future consequences for you. No matter who you are , what you think, what you do, or how you conduct your personal affairs, your example is being watched all of the time and that then becomes the teaching tool of choice by our ever-so-observant children.

God emphatically tells us that whatever it is that we sow, it will be exactly that same thing which we will reap in the future. You do something wrong, dishonest, illegal or immoral where your children can watch you do it, (whether you know they are watching or not) and I will promise you that you will live to see the day when your children and/or your grandchildren repeat the same stupid activities, and do the same foolish things or worse than you did,…all because they first watched you do it! In their little eyes and mind by doing what you did,…you automatically grant them your full permission to do the same thing for themselves. Don’t teach them by being the wrong or a bad example. Please permit me to ask two questions. How many times have your children heard you read out of the Bible what God has to say about the situations you and your family are facing? How many times have your children heard or observed you and your spouse praying to their heavenly Father seeking support and assistance for your entire family,… and for wisdom and guidance for the leadership of our nation?

Are you beginning to squirm a little bit as we progress through this discussion? One more question, please. Based upon the above discussion to this point,…are we not as a nation experiencing that very fact today as a consequence of our society’s actions and permissiveness following the end of World Wars I and II? Oh but just think…what do you expect we will reap from Gen X and Gen Y as a result of the horrible example we are setting today? What happens when through our actions or lack of actions and our failure or refusal to accept our own responsibility to do all that we can do… to keep these corrupt politicians from being re-elected and perpetually returning to office? We as the adults and senior citizens have the responsibility to become the right and proper example for the youth of America to observe. Are you doing your part?

Just think for a moment, we have an entire nation demanding that the government meet and fill all of their needs since they don’t know how to work, produce, prepare and provide for themselves or their families. Such a state of affairs exists because no one ever taught them how to do such menial and insignificant things as these, while they were growing up and being educated. What then can these type folks teach their children. You don’t know that which you don’t know. You cannot teach that which you do not know.

All rights carry with them matching responsibilities. When you voluntarily give up your personal responsibility to educate your own children, and turn them over to the government operated public school system, you automatically give up your right to control what they are being taught. That is exactly why we have the great mess that plagues us and our children in America today. Parents,…it is your responsibility to teach your own children.  You then are in control of what it is that they are learning.

We have stood by quietly without doing anything to stop the takeover of our children’s hearts and minds. We have watched without complaint the elimination of God out of our schools. We have watched without complaint the rewriting of our true history of the founding of our own nation. We have watched quietly as prayer and scripture reading were eliminated from all school activities regardless of what activities they were. WE THE PEOPLE as a whole population have quietly stood by without a whimper of question or complaint,… and watched almost everything that our ancestors established for our benefit be completely eliminated or discarded by our culture and our government. And we watched the exact opposite of what our founders wanted to be established,…be triumphantly put into place and operation within the boundaries of our nation.

Listen to the words of three great men of history echoing down through the halls of history giving their ominous warnings that we, as a nation, have failed to follow. Lawyer and U.S. Congressman, Daniel Webster said, “Our ancestors established their system of government on morality and religious sentiment. Moral habits, they believed, cannot safely be trusted on any other foundation than religious principle, nor any government be secure which is not supported by moral habits.”

Noah Webster, author of our first Dictionary of the English Language said, “The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.”

Please listen and hear the tone, the somber total commitment to their known cause. Hear the stalwart obligation of acceptance of their personal responsibility to fight for and protect this new nation. See their willingness to sacrifice, if necessary, their very lives,…just as so many people before them had so selflessly done,… for those generations following them.

Well, with God having been all but totally kicked out of our nation and most all of His Laws blatantly being disobeyed, and contrarily, most every evil thing permitted to take place within the lives of the population of our country,….what do you think is going to happen in the days ahead?

It appears to me that we as a nation have, so to speak, done it all. BUT…sadly without even realizing it, we have done it all WRONG! We once again are disobeying God and His commands. We refuse to learn anything from history! His Word emphatically tells us that if we foolishly sow the Wind (which is exactly what we as a nation have done), then we SHALL REAP THE WHIRLWIND! Somebody had better begin to “batten down the hatches” as the storm clouds are gathering, the skies are darkening, and the wind is beginning to blow. Trouble is on its way!

Hear the precautionary words of President Thomas Jefferson, “God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.”

I tell you the truth,…. Thomas Jefferson’s words are a forceful and explicit warning to all citizens of our nation that to remove God from this country will destroy it!

Only one question remains: What are you going to do about it?


Peace And Love to All of You………………………..Poppa Bear

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