The Most Powerful Force On Earth Is a Thought

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I would respectfully remind all of you readers and listeners that this website is an educational site and one that boldly speaks the “truths of life” without concern for the politically correct oriented folks who always seem to ridicule the truth and cry foul whenever they do not get their own way.

This website’s purpose is to teach, educate, and make people aware of the truths surrounding this nation, its founding and heritage, its system of economics, and the great price paid in human blood for the precious freedoms we as Americans are privileged to enjoy.

Regardless of where you hear it,…or from whom you hear it mentioned,… the truth and reality of the matter is that Freedom is not free. It never has been nor will it ever be free. Freedom has a price tag. And I say thank God Almighty and those precious souls who have willingly sacrificed their own blood on the battlefields of the world so that you and I can and do have and enjoy those wonderful freedoms given to us through our blessed U. S. Constitution.

It has been said that those people who forget their history, will one day have to repeat it. History proves that this is a true statement. History proves that Americans by in large do not learn anything from history. Now this is indeed a sad and sorrowful situation that automatically presents a new and greater problem for future generations of our blessed country. It is already happening as we witness daily the manner and way the last two most recent generations are living their lives today.

A truth of life is that You really do not know that which you do not know. So if one is ignorant of the truths of life, they are never able to pass these truths on to the future generations now being educated and trained. Always remember that the human brain does not separate the truth from the lie,…but rather just takes in all that is fed into it,…be it true or false. Ignorance and stupidity are in fact passed on through the training and upbringing of the children of any marriage union. People do what people see! That is precisely why God Almighty gave this personal responsibility of educating the children,… to the parents…not to an uninvolved, non nurturing government entity, i. e. the public schools.

The great Irish political philosopher and statesman, Sir Edmund Burke, said it best when he stated…“All it takes for the forces of evil to rule the world,…is for enough good men to do nothing.” That my dear friends is exactly what is happening in our world today even within our own nation. It may come as a surprise to some of you, but,…ignorance can and does pass through the DNA chain. Ignorant parents almost always raise ignorant children. Remember….you cannot teach that which you do not know…..and you do not know that which you do not know.

All that being said, please permit me to share with you some of these great truths of life as exist here in America today. I am sharing them with you as they were shared with me through an E mail I received from a great friend and business associate. It is my hope that these truths of life cause you to pause and rethink your own position on the issues discussed so as to make yourself more aware of the problems and challenges that we are facing here in America today.

The Great Scientist Albert Einstein truthfully asserted that “we cannot solve the problems that we face today by using the same thought processes that we used when we created those problems.” I think we all as free Americans clearly see our nation today as being in an advanced state of decline. We need to get educated as to the truth of these issues so as to change our manner and way of thinking so as to be able to change bad situations into good policies and procedures that benefit our own nation and its people. Such changes obviously need to be made, and they need to be made sooner as compared to later.

Here are some great points and issues for your own thoughts and personal resolution. Don’t be fooled by the “hidden-agenda” politicians only trying to preserve their special privileged treatment positions by continuing to be reelected to keep their own “gravy-train” benefits flowing to themselves and their constituents.

Subject: A CONUNDRUM…..

The word Conundrum as defined by Founding Father Noah Webster in his original dictionary of the English language written in 1828 reads as follows:

Conundrum: A sort of riddle in which some odd resemblance is proposed for discovery between things quite unalike; A puzzling question of which the answer is or involves a pun.

Pun: An expression in which a word is capable of different meanings; an expression in which two different applications of a word present an odd or ludicrous idea; a kind of quibble or equivocation.

Now modern day English defines the word conundrum as something that is puzzling or confusing.

The following are six Conundrums of Socialism as presently exists in the modern day United States of America. You figure them out and then voice your personal definition through the ballot box.

1. America is capitalist and greedy—yet half of the population is subsidized.

2. Half of the population is subsidized—yet they think they are victims.

3. They think they are victims—yet their representatives run the government.

4. Their representatives run the government—yet the poor keep getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer—yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about—yet they want America to be more like those other countries.

Think about these things, conditions, and situations as they exist and affect your and your family’s life. These six conundrums pretty much sum up the United States of America in the 21st Century.

Really makes you wonder who is doing the math on the information that is being daily fed into our ever increasing uneducated general public.

Permit me to share with you readers and listeners three short sentences that will boldly tell you an awful lot about the direction and impact that our current government leadership is taking us as a nation and our cultural environment which is being trained into our youth.

1. We are advised to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. It is sad but funny how that works isn’t it?

Here is another one worth considering…..

2. It seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. Why is it that we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money? What is really interesting is that the first group “worked for” their money, but the second group did not. Think about it……

And last but not least…..

3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WW II, but we are not stopping the payments or benefits to illegal aliens.

Now just stop what you are doing and rethink your personal position on the issues discussed thus far. Could it be that we are being led down the “primrose path” to destruction?

Am I the only one missing something?

Automobile maker and great American industrialist, Henry Ford, had it totally correct when he said: “Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian!”

Dear ones,….this discussion is not a joke of sorts or meant to be humorous. Our great nation, The United States of America, is in great danger of being destroyed from within. This is all happening because we as individual Americans have failed to meet our own personal responsibilities for our personal choices, actions, and education. Nowhere within the pages of the US Constitution has the federal government been given the authority to do so much to exercise total control over us as individual citizens. There is really no such thing anymore as personal property rights of ownership. All a land owner owns is the right to pay property taxes to the government!

We must fight back, not with bullets but rather with ballots…legal ballots. Every man and woman of legal voting age must register and vote for the people who still believe in America and in its exceptionalism as a world power and who truly do represent “we the people” of our own nation.

America is not a democracy. Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently. It is a Constitutional Republic. And it was established by men who knew the dangers of a centralized government owned and government controlled country and its systems of economics and industries.

America’s economy is based and built upon the Free Enterprise System of Economics wherein its citizens are given the freedom to privately own, organize, and operate a businesses of their own and make a profit therefrom in competition with other businesses with only a minimum of interference or control by the federal government.

I would challenge anyone reading or listening to this article to search the details of the U S Constitution and see where, if at all, you can find any of the myriad of government owned and controlled agencies that are strangling the life out of our nation today. Such strangulation occurs through the establishment of unlawful rules and regulations which are in direct rebellion and disobedience to the limitations so properly put into place through our own Constitution so as to insure “we the people” control the abusive government as compared to them controlling us.

Wake Up America!

Peace And Love to All of You…………..Poppa Bear

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