The Fine Lines In Life

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Our Creator God is not a God of chaos, imbalance, random happenings, or chance occurrences. Our God is a Divine Creator of balance, order, and perfection. Consequently, everything God created has a purpose for its existence as well as a divine use to accomplish that intended purpose. God is a loving God, a jealous God, and a just God. Our heavenly Father makes no mistakes; never lies or distorts the truth; and will never reward excuses, disobedience, or a reduction of your faith. In short, you can always trust God completely to give you life and to give it to you more abundantly,…beyond what you could ever think or imagine. What a great statement of comfort that is to the person who believes in God and has a developed Spiritual Root to their personal life.

Since our God is a God of order, purpose, and proper good use, you can always rely on and totally trust Him to give you correct directions and guidance. Our Creator deals in and with “absolutes.” He never deals in and with “maybes.” There is never a wrong way to do the right thing. There are only right ways to do the right things in life.

Our God is a God of fine and distinct lines of decision and action. He is not into grey areas or unclear efforts. Everything He teaches or shows we mortals is based upon biblical truth, is specific in point, and is unchangeable in course or direction. For these reasons, God will only reward an increase in your own level of faith and obedience to His Guidance and Instructions for the living of your own life.

We are told within the pages of Holy Scripture that God is no respecter of persons. Therefore, His love, purpose, and protection is applicable to all people, not just some selected few. However, He will always demand that you perform in a respectable manner and way, and that you always deal with and in total honesty and integrity in all of your activities and efforts.

You never violate God’s Laws,…you only confirm them. And I will tell you the truth, that if try to do something wrong or injurious to a fellow man or woman, you will not succeed at doing it in the long run of things. Righteousness is what our God desires from us as we conduct our lives. He has given us what is called “The Golden Rule” by which we are to live. This rule simply says that we are to treat other people exactly as we would want them to treat us in return. While that is quite easy to say or speak,…it can and usually does present some significant problems in actually living out this Godly command. Proper and spiritually correct ways and performance are absolute requirements if a person desires to be blessed by the God who created him. There are no short-cuts to the proper and godly way to act and treat other people. Do the right things in the right way if you want God to bless you. There are no known exceptions to this statement.

Now since we have already established that God is always about doing things correct and proper, then one must also conclude that obedience to His instructions will be the entry fee needed to be paid by the individual whose efforts are expected to be divinely rewarded. This is why we serve a Loving God who is a God of “Absolutes.” As such there has to be boundaries to the limits within which a believer must live and operate.

Flexibility is a great key to achieving success for any individual.

While a person may bend or stretch to accommodate certain situations, opportunities, or resolutions to challenges or problems,…he or she must never overreach those boundaries of proper and godly behavior. All of these type boundaries are clearly and openly discussed within the Holy Bible. You will only learn them from a daily reading and feeding on the Word of God and from being spiritually fed by those men and women with whom you associate and who are wiser and more knowledgeable than are you.

Rebellious people are always pushing the limits to every situation that arises in their lives. They are always nudging up against the limit boundaries of improper beliefs, speech, or activities. Disobedience is never tolerated by God. You simply cannot live your life outside the boundary limits placed by God on His own Creation and expect any type or kind of blessing to be poured out onto you.

Do the right things and do things righteously and properly. That is how you are rewarded by your Creator.

So to become highly successful you must know the difference between right and wrong and always do the right things. You must know what the boundary lines are, and where they are located, so as to guard against ever crossing them.

There is a very fine line between success and failure. Always stay on the right side (God’s side) of Success….Never cross the line and you will always be fine and good and wonderfully rewarded.

To win at the game of life, you have to play by the Rules of the Creator of life. Ignorance is never to be used as an excuse to not knowing what the rules are or how they are to be interpreted and applied. It is your own personal responsibility to learn and obey the rules of the game. No one can or will learn or play by them for you. Learning them and then observing them are just some of the things in your life that you have to do for and by yourself.

All the great power in your life comes from you being and conducting your life in submission to the authorities under which you live. God is your ultimate authority. Obediently live by His Instructions and you will never go wrong.

If you have an authority problem in your own life, it is because you have a serious problem with the manner and way that you view and understand God Almighty. If you are plagued with such a problem may I say to you that you need to get it cleared up immediately. If you fail to do so, it will cost you untold misery and suffering until you do.

God truly desires for each and everyone one of His creations to accomplish and obtain the right and godly desires of their own hearts. He tells us this is true within the Holy Scriptures. It is all recorded in the Book of Psalms, Chapter 37, verses 3–5, NKJV:

(3) “Trust in the Lord, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.

(4) Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.”

(5) Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.

(6) He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
And your justice as the noonday.”

God is always on your side….It is your responsibility to always be on His side.

The most powerful thing on earth is man or woman living and operating their own life in concert and obedience with God and His Laws. He loves you so much that He wrote down all of His laws and principles in a Book (the Holy Bible) where you and everyone else could easily find and learn them.

Peace and Love to All of You………………..Poppa Bear

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