The Center of All Your Own Creativity…Your Own Imagination

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“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…”

Genesis 1 : 1

The real truths of life are, for the most part, really quite simple.

I personally believe God intended them to be simple so that His human creation (mankind) could then easily grasp and understand His truths of life and thereby make their own way easier and more successful while they sojourned here on earth.

God speaks to all of us through all of our physical, spiritual, and emotional senses in a variety of ways and means. But no matter what He uses to communicate with us, He always directs such communications through our own individual Command and Control Centers, i.e. our own brains.

Our Creator gave each one of us our own brain. Each one of we human beings is unique and different in our own specific cause and purpose, while at the same time each of us is completely the same in our own type and kind. God gave each one of us (mankind), at the time of our own conception, our complete and total personal control of our own God-given brains. No one can control your thought and decision-making processes unless you personally surrender such control to someone or something else. Never forget…You are in charge of you!

It is for this specific reason that no matter what is going on in your life, you personally have the God-given ability to change it. Change your own thoughts and you will definitely change your entire life and what is or is not going on within it.

Whenever you are given a right in life, there will always be commensurate personal responsibilities that go hand-in-glove with such rights. The sad problem with most people is that they certainly desire or even demand their own “rights,” and all of the benefits that go with such rights, but they do not want any of the personal responsibilities. Such responsibilities for most folks seem to be just too restricting and limiting, or worse, too hard to perform,…at least in their own minds.

Well the truth is that there really are no rights that exist without accompanying personal responsibilities. And personal responsibilities always carry with them lots of hard work and personal commitments.

These are the two greatest roadblocks that keep the masses of the population from ever succeeding in life. Here is a fact of life: You cannot be lazy and ever expect to become successful. You see friends, if you do not like to work hard or if you are always looking for the easy way out without having to work very hard or long, then you are doomed to failure because you disqualified yourself by reason of your own laziness.

Everything that happens to you while you live here on earth begins with a thought in your own or in someone else’s mind.

So if you find yourself in an unlikeable or undesirable situation or effort, and you truly do desire to have a better life than that which you are presently living,…Use your own imagination…Change the way you think. Spawn some new and more beneficial thoughts that will cause you to do and act differently than the manner and way in which you have been thinking and acting. Look for other ways to conduct yourself and begin to perform differently than the way you have been performing….Change your thoughts and you will change your ways!

Now back to SUCCESS…….

All real success always begins with a dream.

A dream always grows in size and stature when it is shared with other people.

If you live your own dream and successfully share it with people, other such people will buy into it….Not every person with whom you share your dream will buy into it, but only by sharing your dream with others will your dream be given a chance to grow and become more than it presently is.

You see, friends, people have a desire to follow a leader who possess a great and mighty dream. I would also tell you that right now, at this point in time more than ever before, the masses of our society are looking and searching for a real man or real woman who is qualified and who will fulfill the role of a hero in their own lives. America needs more heroes.

Unfortunately far too many people within our nation are looking for success in too many places that are more than likely to leave them completely disillusioned and disappointed: sports, music, movies, television, and stage.

Real heroes are leaders who can and will help other people truly achieve their own success. They are people who will take other people with them as they rise and succeed.

As previously mentioned, success all begins with a dream in the mind of an individual somewhere on this earth. Success-oriented people will always follow the man or woman who has a dream and who knows where he or she is going in their life.

Someone once said, “Vision is the world’s most desperate need. There are no hopeless situations, there are only people who think hopelessly.”

The truth of the matter is simple and real. Never be afraid to contact and communicate with other people…they are not going to hurt you. Learn how to stick your own hand out, shake the hand of another human being, and say “hello.” Share with them your personal dream and your desire to build a team with whom you can complete the dream and share the rewards.

Remember, no other person knows that you have a dream or what that dream really is unless and until you share your dream with them.

Share your vision with someone today and every day hereafter. If they get excited about it, immediately involve them in your dream with you. Lay out a plan in which to involve them in your vision as an active participant and as a team player. If they reject your vision,…immediately share that same dream with another person, and continue on up your own road to success. Only by sharing and continuing to share your dream will you have a chance to grow, become more than you are today, and finally achieve the great dream that you possess.

If you continue to consistently and persistently look long enough, far enough, and hard enough, you will find other people who want to participate in the accomplishment of your vision.

Once your vision is fulfilled and achieved, all participants will share with you in the rewards and benefits.

When the dream-building process is completed properly, as you personally grow and rise to a higher level of living, you will also lift others up together with you to a higher level of life. Everybody wins!


Peace And Love to All of You………………….Poppa Bear

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