The Battle Cry of a Champion…

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Most people in the world today are not what I would term “initiators.” Rather they are just waiting around without taking any immediate solution oriented activity or making any contribution to any type of solution or problem solving process that may exist in their lives. Most folks today are not doing much of anything. They are just sitting around waiting for “someone else” to take the first step. Taking up such a posture and position is completely cowardly and uncommitted…without a doubt. Being lethargic or totally inactive is the complete antithesis of what God Almighty designed you to be.

Success oriented people are risk and action takers; they are performers.
Successful people take immediate action toward solving the problems in their lives that arise daily out of simply living life. There are always going to be problems and challenges that arise almost every day that you live and breathe. They are simply a fact of life. Therefore, if you truly do desire to rise above a life of mediocrity,…that most folks are living,…you have to develop and unleash a direct “action” or “problem solving” habit. That can only be established through and by you,…not someone else,…becoming an “initiator” of the problem solving process.

One thing is known for certain. Life is hard. If you are stupid, it is twice as hard!

So if you are ever to start living a life of joy, happiness, and excitement you have got to become a problem solver and an immediate action taker…an encourager, if you will, of other people.

Whether you believe in God, the Creator of the Universe, or not,…if you possess any degree of average intelligence,…you have to admit that “something” or “someone” greater than man himself created you…because the Creator is always greater than that which is created. Chickens lay eggs. Eggs do not lay chickens! The chicken had to come first. Using this same line of reasoning, God is greater than man. God had to create man, because man cannot create God. Oh,…and for you who are cast-in-concrete believers in science only, please consider this…something cannot be created out of nothing. Something had to first be created so that God could create greater things out of that which was created.

So if God created man and God is therefore greater than man, then God, the manufacturer of man, had to be the One who put together a manufacturer’s manual concerning that which He created. He did!…Such a document was initially written by many different authors, using several different languages over more than 1500 years and was published in sixty-six separate books all of which was given to mankind under one cover.

That very manual is commonly known today as The Holy Bible. It has no errors or contradictions. It is the True Truth of Life. It’s truths are unarguable and infallible. And it is the only book in the entire world that accurately predicts the future through biblical prophecy. Every prophesied event that has already occurred, has happened precisely on time to the exact day as it was originally fore-told about within the pages of Holy Scripture.

The Holy Bible is the inerrant and infallible Word of God. It can be totally trusted and relied upon as True Truth for all mankind for all time.

So the real question of your life is “What are you going to do with your limited time here on earth? How do you want to be remembered after you are gone? Everyone human being thinks about these two questions during the course of living their lives. Salesman and author Charlie “Tremendous” Jones said it well in his book, “Life is Tremendous” wherein he stated: “You are not ready to really live your life until you know what you want written about you on your own tombstone.”

As regards me personally, I would certainly hope that after my time here on earth ends, that people would say of me,…“He was a honest and just man filled with integrity.” “He was happy, bold, mentally strong, and unshakable in times of tragedy.” I would also hope that they say, “He was a godly encourager,…an uplifter of other people.”

I truly do want to encourage and lift up other people to help them, and give them hope and courage to live boldly with great passion as they journey through their lives and become all that God intended for them to be. In short,…it is the desire of my heart to be a true blessing to other people throughout God’s kingdom.

Anybody can be a blessing. You only need three things: a head, a heart, and hands. And never forget that no matter what the case, anyone can be channel of a blessing to some other person anywhere on this earth.
God needs you. He truly does want to use you!

Permit me to tell you that prayer is much more than a cloistered life. Prayer is good, open, and honest two-way communication with your Heavenly Father. Prayer is living out God’s words. It is putting faith into action. It is a human mind through which God is allowed to think. It is a human heart through which God is allowed to love other people. It is eyes to see into the hurting hearts of people–to sense their pain, their suffering, their disappointment, their discouragement, their worries, and their sin.

I tell you that prayer is much more than just words and talk. It is a look,…a spoken word,…a tender touch. God can and will use any and all volunteers to do His bidding here on earth in the lives of all His Creation around the globe. Please don’t think that if you ask God to use you, you will be sent faraway into the jungles, and be drowned, beaten, taken hostage, or placed before a firing squad. I will tell you that Father God has other exciting preplanned adventures in store for you. Life may not always be fair–but it is never dull when you ask God to use you!

Pastor and evangelist, Robert H. Schuller once told me that he always wears a medallion around his neck whenever he preaches. He related that the following prayer is engraved on the back side of the medallion:
“Lord, lead me to the person You want to speak to through my life today.”

I would also tell you that even to this day, before I ever get up to speak to any group of people or any individual on any subject I have chosen or been assigned, I always say a quick prayer and ask my Heavenly Father to give me His words to speak to the person or group that will positively impact and help encourage at least one single hearer of what I am saying to them.

Allow me to tell you that if God does choose to use you,…I cannot guarantee that life will always treat you with fairness,…but I can promise you that God will always have the last word–and it will be good!

Be ready and willing to be used by God according to His Will,…at all times. When His call for volunteers to come to His aid and render assistance is received,…trust and obey and act on it…immediately! You will be glad that you did, because you will be rewarded for doing so.


Peace And Love to All of You………………………Poppa Bear

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