Papa’s Sermon

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All good high quality production and creative efforts carry alongside their finished products,…large quantities of good, thorough, adequate, and complete preparation.  Bringing all that preparation together to begin producing a finished product is a huge effort and consumes most of the resources, energy, and manpower that are needed to complete a project.  It takes an awful lot of preparation to produce a “not-so-huge” finished product. 

When you do things right.  When your motive for doing that which you are doing is correct, honest, and proper, and when you are purposed to benefit and bless others as well as God Himself, then it comes as no surprise that your finished product is always better than you expected and more prosperous than you could have imagined.

Proper and complete preparation insures complete and beneficial production.

The single most motivational statement ever made by man is simple, yet totally complete.  It applies to all areas of human life and endeavor.

People do what People see!

And so when you permit your personal character, integrity, and strength to show by, with, and through your own actions and efforts, your example speaks for you.  Discerning people will see who and what you really are and what you truly believe through the decisions you make, the things you do, the words you speak, and the results you produce.  In other words, your personal character is always on display by what you do and in what you invest your time resources, and energy.  In other words, you tell the world who you really are by what you truly believe.  You tell the world what is truly important to you, and what you are accomplishing (what fruit you are producing) with and by the use of your life.

Your life’s sermon can always be seen by any discerning person who observes you and your actions and efforts.

The real you is always on display.


There are many ways to measure success;
not the least of which is the way your child describes you
when talking to a friend.

Many years ago I was sitting in a lounge chair around the huge swimming pool of a luxury Hotel on the Island of Maui, Hawaii.  I was with a group of highly distinguished businessmen of great personal accomplishment.  All of the men were multi-millionaires.  One of these men told a story in which he had been involved.  It blessed my heart when I first heard it and I truly believe it will bless your heart as well.  Indulge me as I reshare this wonderful short story.

…..A story please……


Busy in his study, a minister was preparing his sermon for the coming Sunday morning.  He turned in his chair and reached to the book shelf at the side of his desk for a book which he knew contained some reference material that he wanted to use in this part of his sermon notes.  Then he remembered that he had left the book downstairs in the family room near his wing-back chair, next to the fireplace.  His little 7 year old daughter was playing by herself in her bedroom just off his study, and he called to her.  She came running to her daddy eager and delighted at the thought that Papa needed her.  He explained very carefully where she could find the described book, and she went gladly after it, returning in just a moment with the book which he saw at a glance was the wrong one.  But he hardly looked at the book as he took it and laid it on the nearby coffee table.  He looked only at the eager face of his daughter, wreathed in smiles.  Gathering her close to his heart, he kissed her and said, “Thank you, darling.”  And when she had gone back happy and contented to her play, he went quietly for the book that he actually needed.

I think I should like to listen to (or watch) the sermons this precious and very wise man would preach.”

The best use of our life is to so live your life, that the use of your life will out live your life.

Peace And Love To All of You………………..Poppa Bear  

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