It Is All a Matter of Proper Perspecitve

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Everyone has at least one major problem. Only the dead are finished with their earthly problems. Many folks have several such problems. The more creative and productive you are, the greater will be the problems you have to face. That is just the way life works! This truth is definitely one of the major reasons why there are so few really successful people. The conservative approach to life is the risk-filled best approach to it. The conservative approach offers much more opportunity to succeed, much less governmental control and restriction, and far less intrusion into the arenas of private ownership and freedom of performance. That is why business and its attendant productivity thrives under the conservative approach to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Creating an environment in which there is opportunity to succeed also has to carry with it the consequence of total failure and loss. The greater the risk of loss, the greater will be the opportunity for growth and prosperity. All true and lasting success has as its very foundation the facts of risk, failure, and loss. Indeed failure is the basis of accomplished success.

Permit me to share with you a tidbit of wisdom I was given by a very great man of achievement. He exhorted: Don’t complain about your problems…pray about them and their solutions.

You see, friends, there really are no true accidents in life. God created life for all of us and continues to control and measure it out to all of us in daily and accumulated doses. Things happen to us, be they good or bad, because God allows them to happen to us. Taken together as a whole, they are all pre-designed to work together for our own good. Even if we don’t like them, want them, or understand them.

The truth is simply this: If a care is too small to be turned into a prayer, it is too small to be made into a burden.

The Word of God is very simple, easy to understand, and completely clear regarding this topic of discussion. It is all laid out in The Book of 1 Peter 5 : 7 NKJV: “…Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you….”

Creator God made special provision for all of those who choose to believe in Him and in His Word. He made you…for a special reason and purpose, and He full well intended to provide for and protect you against all kinds and types of forces that may attempt to destroy you. You either believe that truth of life or you don’t. I suggest you believe it! Because it is true…He has told you so in the truth of His unarguable Holy Word.

Now if we desire only the good, only the sweet, only the blessings of life, we are selfish and foolish. God made a balanced world, a properly balanced and symmetrical world with both good and bad sides. Because of this fact, there will always be the bitter with the sweet, the bad with the good, and the negative with the positive. That is the way life comes to us.
Accepting what is real and making the very best of it, is the key to long term happiness and peace of mind.

Maybe a short story I once read will help convey the meaning of my statements a little better:

In a quiet, innocent, and comfortable small town in Northeastern America during the spring time of the year, a bubbly, beautiful baby girl was born to very special and loving parents. The mother’s name was Mary Manachi,…her new born daughter, her second born child, was named Marylou. The over-flowing joy and happiness was soon quelled when the doctors diagnosed the new baby as having Cooley’s anemia disease. Such a disorder requires as treatment, a full blood transfusion every two weeks, and is usually fatal before the patient reaches age twenty.

Assured by the physicians that the genetic disorder was very rare and chances for harming any future children born to this union were not very great, Mary and her husband conceived and birthed another baby whom they named Rosemarie. At six months, this third child, Rosemarie, was also diagnosed with the disorder, and later, a son, George, was also born with Cooley’s anemia. Total and complete sadness gripped and tore at Mary and her husband’s hearts and minds.

One bright morning, Mary walked into Rosemarie’s room and found her making a beautiful pin to sell at her school’s craft show. “I am going to earn all that I can toward college,” she said. Then a teacher phoned to report what Rosemarie had written as the thing she was most thankful for: “Good health!”

Mary took another long and thoughtful look at her children and found them all embracing the life they had been given. George was talking about becoming a geologist, Marylou was earning a place on the honor roll and practicing her piano diligently. Mary finally concluded, “If they love life so much…am I to love life less?”

Sometimes our own burdens seem to be very great. It always helps at those times to remember that there are other people in this world who are weighted down with even greater burdens than those we carry ourselves,…who carry their burdens and challenges as “being too small even to become worries.”

Life and the happy and joyful living of it,…truly is defined and understood by keeping everything in its proper place of importance and in its proper perspective.


Peace and Love to All of You……………………Poppa Bear

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