God Gave You A Brain-Use It!

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Everyone has a brain. Science tells us that our brains all are about the same size and weight, somewhere around 3.4 pounds of grey matter. Now, of course, one should know that the brain is the command and control center of every person. Its role is to run things within the body and coordinate the different functions so as to maintain life. I say that the primary role of the body is simply to “mobilize the brain.” Unless and until the brain can move, can travel to different places, and can maneuver in and around obstacles, its usefulness will be extremely limited. Mobility of the brain opens all kinds of doors of opportunity for the use of one’s mind.

I like simple things and simple ways of living life. I think most other people feel the same way. Simple things permit everyone who so chooses to be able to participate. Simple manners and ways allow an opportunity for everyone to achieve the benefits and rewards of accomplishment. Yes, indeed, I prefer simple things. Consequently, I intend within this discussion to lay out to you a very simple explanation that can be adopted and used for great achievement by everyone who will take the knowledge and put it to consistent use.

Now it just so happens that if you are lazy, unmotivated, don’t like to or will not work hard for the accomplishments of the significant things you desire within your life, then all I can say to you is that I am sorry. I am sorry you are so ignorant, so unmotivated, and so selfish that you have chosen not to use use the great gift of life that The Creator gave you. What an insult it is to give a wonderful gift to someone and never be thanked you for it or worse that the wonderful gift was never taken out of the box and used. Please do not insult your God.

You are given the gifts of life, talent, ability, intelligence, and imagination for the purposes of developing and using them for your own and for others benefit. I believe, even though God has given us all a free will of choice, we all have a moral obligation to help, love, and serve our fellow man. That obligation can only be met if and when we use the things that God has freely given us. Selfishness and stinginess are not words our Creator commands us to employ. He wants us to love Him and to love others. He wants us to share our knowledge and blessings with all other people. He wants us to be a great example for all other people to observe and duplicate. That is why you are to use the gifts that He personally gave to you when you were born!

Psychologists tell us that if a person performs and then repeats a given task over and over for 21 consecutive days, they will develop a “habit” of doing the very task they have been performing. That is good knowledge and advice. It can be used to make needed adjustments, corrections, and establishment of the things we know we should be doing to accomplish our own desires.

Because of what I have just said, we can believe the truth that anybody can do just about anything with himself that he really wants to and makes up his mind to do. Now remember, God loves you so much that He gave you 100 percent total uninterrupted control of your own mental processes and decisions. Even He, Himself, will not interrupt your own choices and decisions be they good or bad.

Here is an undisputed fact of life: We are all capable of greater things than we are doing and that we realize we can do.

I believe that no man even comes close to fully using his God given abilities throughout his entire life. We all fall way short of what God has given us the ability to achieve. A person will never really know what he is capable of achieving unless and until he tries or attempts to do more (and much more) than he is doing with his own life right now! History is full of stories of men and women doing superhuman efforts when under great stress, fear, or fright. We just somehow have the in-grained ability to do extraordinary things with our lives if we would but use what we already have within ourselves.

Think for a moment how God must feel, when He sees His finest creation, man, brimming over with talent and ability freely given to him at birth, and struggling just to survive while on earth. Lying wasteful in the gutter of his own choosing, totally unproductive and hungry. All the while he is living in the greatest, freest, and wealthiest nation on earth! God must cry a lot.

It is my personal and learned opinion from five decades of study and life experience working with people around the globe and most importantly from 37 years of study and research of the Holy Bible, that:

How much one actually achieves with the use of their life depends largely on:

3.Persistent effort

Now listen to me very carefully,….I am about to give you a real secret of life as it relates to becoming successful…….

If a person is lacking or is falling short in any one or all of the first three above factors, i.e. Desire, Faith, and/or Persistent effort,… their Ability alone will never balance out and make up for their lack or shortcomings.

Talent, inborn ability,… skills, whatever you desire to term it, simply is never enough to make up for the loss of Desire, Faith, and Persistent effort.

So the real secret to achieving your desired level of personal success is totally predicated upon you personally possessing and developing your own level of Desire, Faith, Persistent effort, and Ability. These character traits must be personally developed to such a needed level as to enable you to perform the necessary effort and procedures that will eventually allow you to become successful!

These are the very reasons why anyone can succeed, why anyone, regardless of background, has the ability to develop into a success, and why all achieved success has as its starting point a decision that the individual is going to BE successful,… not just try to become successful. This is precisely why Success is a Planned Event.


Peace and Love to All of You……………………Poppa Bear

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