Enthusiasm Makes The Difference Between Success And Failure

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The truth of the matter is that in the final analysis, every man’s destiny is in his own hands!

There is within each of us a giant, a great and glorious creative force that is capable of overcoming any and all obstacles that stand in our own way as we travel life’s road to our individual success. This great powerful force was built into each of us at the instant of our individual conception. It is the awesome power of God Almighty. Nothing is too powerful for God to overcome. And since he made you and gave you that same power, in reality nothing is able to stop you from achieving that which you choose to achieve. The price you must pay for this power to be released through you is total commitment to the daily work effort necessary for the accomplishment of the desires of your own heart. This total commitment will be evidenced by and through your own daily effort and purposed physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual activities.

Sadly, for the most part, this great reservoir of strength, talent, and ability to perform lies sound asleep deep within the heart and mind of the vast majority of people. It slumbers because of lack of use. Most people have never called upon this power because they have lived their entire lives in total ignorance of it.

God put it (The Power) into every one of His Human Creations. You already have it inside of your brain…but…does it still slumber or have you caused it to wake?

People who are suffering from this terrible condition of having their own sleeping giant still unconscious and inactive within their minds are all around us everyday and everywhere we go about living our lives. These people are apathetic most of the time. These type folks are well trained and educated, they have good experience to accomplish their assigned tasks,… most of them have good personalities. They are good husbands and/or wives. They are well mannered and well behaved…. BUT….they lack internal drive and vitality.

If they are ever to reach the high levels of living a great and successful life, somehow, someway, the giant within them has to be aroused…awakened.

It is every man or woman’s own personal responsibility to discover and awaken their own internal sleeping giant. Don’t ever expect some other person to do that job for you.

You see, the fortunate individuals who actually achieve the most in life are invariably activated by the internal force of personal enthusiasm! The people here on earth who accomplish the most good and great things in life are always those who approach human existence, its opportunities and its problems, with a confident positive mental attitude and an enthusiastic point of view.

Your personal level of enthusiasm can and will truly make a difference–the difference in how your own life will eventually turn out.

Permit me to prove my point through a hypothetical scenario. There is a vast disparity between two major groups of human beings in America today, the “positive upward mobile, everything is going to be all right” ones and the “negative, doomsday, almost everything is wrong” folks. The first group consists of the optimistic, the cheerful, the hopeful. Since they actually believe in something of good nature, they are the dynamic individuals who always set events in motion, always working for the betterment of society, building new enterprises, restructuring old society and helping create hopefully new worlds and highly successful new individuals.

Now let’s quickly examine their counterpart, the purveyors of gloom and doom. These are the rebels who defy not only their parents and teachers, but also their employer, their boss, their counselor, (if they have one), their neighbors, and even their barbers,…(if they have one), and even their constituents whom many of them represent. They are rebellious in nature all of the time. They lack vision for the future. They have little, if any, strength to help humanity by righting or correcting great wrongs. They play childish games, and waste countless hours sitting in front of a television set, computer screen, I-pad, or even a cell phone. Their rebellion shows itself in rude manners, an aversion to the bathtub or shower, muddled thinking and speech and for the most part find themselves committed to nothingness.

Now please allow me to exhort you of a great truth of life if you are choosing to be successful. You must learn how to develop and use enthusiasm in order to move into that exciting and creative segment of the human race known as Achievers. All achievers will agree that enthusiasm is the priceless ingredient of personality that helps and assists an individual to achieve happiness and personal fulfillment.

Enthusiasm is the dynamic motivator that keeps one persistently working towards his own set goals. Enthusiasm trumps professional skill. Without enthusiasm a person would scarcely be willing to endure the self-discipline and endless toil so necessary in developing professional skill and achieving great accomplishment.

It is indeed a sad and pathetic testimony today in our own country, that most people can be likened to a “warming oven.” They are always all heated up about things and events, but they never get hot enough to actually cook anything…they scream, yell, and complain about life, they constantly condemn and criticize other people and organizations,…but they never get involved in any organized efforts and become contributors to such an effort to assist in making anything get better. These people are most easily recognized by their latent lack of zest and vitality. They are just hot enough to barely get by, but they never are hot enough to really get cooking.

Permit me to tell you the truth. God does not like “luke-warm” people at all! They are always unusable to help, serve, and love their fellow man and do it all for the glory of God Himself. He emphatically tells us this fact in His Word in The Book of Revelation, Chapter 3, verses 15-16, NKJV:

(15) “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.

(16) So then, because you are luke-warm and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”

There is no man or woman alive who is “on-fire” for the accomplishment if his or her own purpose and goals in life who can ever be able to set their own hearts on fire as well as those around them, without first awakening and then developing their own enthusiasm and its attendant God-given power. The day and time of day that the spark turns into a fire and you begin to burn inside is, indeed, your special day…your “Magic Moment.”

The great American Poet, Mr. Walt Whitman, said this about himself and his career as a writer. He said: “I was simmering, really simmering; Emerson brought me to a boil.”

What an apt description of a personality, gifted but lacking in power until the fire of enthusiasm brought it to the boiling point. As a result, Mr. Walt Whitman created immortal and wonderful poetry that has lasted and blessed untold thousands of other people down through the decades of time.

Isn’t it perhaps time for you to stop “simmering, really simmering,” and become fired up by a new and ever-so-vital enthusiasm?

The mental and spiritual heat created by real enthusiasm can and will burn off the apathy-failure elements in any personality and will release hitherto unused, even unsuspected powerhouse qualities.

Go beyond simmering, even to boiling, and you will discover talents and powers, you never before dreamed were yours.


Peace And Love to All of You……………………..Poppa Bear

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