Any Man Or Woman Can Succeed At Almost Anything For Which They Have Unlimited Enthusiasm

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During the course of my life I have been very privileged to meet and associate with some incredibly talented and gifted human beings. I am forever grateful that I have been given that opportunity to associate and be around these high achieving people. Each of them have possessed different backgrounds, training, personalities, talents, strengths, physical features, opinions, and attitudes. The ones who have achieved the greatest of accomplishments and purposes with the use of their lives all have one thing in common,…they all are extremely, honestly, and openly filled with effervescent Enthusiasm! They are excited about their lives and what they are doing, and that bubbling enthusiasm spills out of them and all over the people with whom they work as they go about accomplishing their chosen projects and assignments.

These type folks are easily identified. They are happy people, filled with the joy of the Lord, and proud and grateful bearers of an ear-to-ear grin across their face. The constant smile and happy laughter flowing from them are their calling card. Whenever they walk into any room they immediately brighten it up the same as would brilliant sunshine.

Enthusiasm is not controlled by some sort of a switch. You don’t just “flip on” the enthusiasm in your life as you need or want it. True and honest enthusiasm is a direct-wire set up. It is always in the “on” position. It fills you up to overflowing all the days of your life. Your well of enthusiasm never runs dry. Other people, events, and places recharge and refill your well of enthusiasm….Your enthusiasm cup of life is always running over onto the other people surrounding you. You cannot shut it off. It is always running and being poured out into other people’s lives.

If God gives you more enthusiasm than you particularly need for a certain accomplishment, it is never wasted. What you don’t need right now for what it is you are presently doing is just allowed to bubble up and run over onto and into the lives of other people who happen to be in close proximity to wherever you happen to be, or what ever you happen to be doing. You, as the wellspring of enthusiasm, just keep on producing more and more of it as you continue to live out your life.

Enthusiasm is the “fire” of life. Enthusiasm is highly contagious. It ignites other people around the person who possesses it. The enthusiastic efforts you expend in the living of your own life are great examples for all of those people who able to observe you and what it is that you are doing. Enthusiasm is the power of God within you as a human being. It attracts other motivated people to want to be around you, to learn from you, and to be blessed by you as you live your individual life. Positive attracts,…negative repels.

Enthusiasm is the miracle grower of positive interpersonal relationships.

Regardless of the arena of performance, there will be no real and lasting success without enthusiasm being injected into the efforts of any activity being utilized to produce it.

The single most powerful, positive, and enthusiastic woman I have ever known and had the pleasure of being around, actually of living with, was my wife Jany. She was indeed the most incredible and loving person I have ever known. During our 42 years and 2 months of living together as husband and wife, I never heard one single negative word flow out of her mouth against anything or anybody. She was a great and most learned Christian Believer. She lived her faith in lock step with the way she believed and lived her life. She never argued, she stated her position and why she believed the way she did, and then let other people, especially her critics, draw their own conclusions or make their own points or positions as they chose. She was always sharing her faith, mostly through her fine example. She was the only Bible many other souls ever had read to them. She was an enthusiastic influencer of other people. The Spirit of God unquestionably lived within her heart, and her life was filled with that most precious commodity, effervescent enthusiasm! I do so terribly miss her.

Well, God works His wonders in the most mysterious ways, doesn’t He? Positive always attracts other positives whenever you are dealing in and with the lives of people. Success always begets more success. That is indeed the reason why you should always make efforts to associate with other highly successful people whenever an opportunity to do so presents itself.

About two years ago, a special event occurred in my life that led me to a series of people and circumstances wherein I encountered and came to know and be so very blessed by another woman who also possessed this God-given gift of effervescent enthusiasm. Old and precious memories of my bride came flooding back into the memory banks of my mind as I sat and observed how this special lady used the talents and gifts which God had so graciously and generously given her. It truly was a wonderful and blessed thing to watch. Everything she put her hand to was an exciting opportunity to do something great for the Lord. She realized her position and purpose and readily and joyfully accepted her role as a servant leader of other people. This wonderful Christian woman was the epitome of a generous and joyful giver of life and happiness to all those around her,…wherever she went. It was always plainly obvious to anyone who cared to look that she indeed truly loved other people, particularly those she was serving or helping,…all because she first truly loved Jesus Christ. Her constant smile, her joyful countenance, her abundant sense of humor, her reverence for The Lord Jesus Christ always was on display for any and every one to watch and observe.

She brightened each and every room she entered and when she left, everyone around her was uplifted, encouraged, and empowered to want to improve themselves and do more and do better for Christ. With a totally humble heart and in a continuing effort to uplift and help make other people want to improve themselves and their contributions to the body of believers, this wonderful godly woman always gave all of the credit and recognition for her accomplishments to her followers, her performers, the other people whom she had taught how to sing and had trained how to perform. Her humble heart and effervescent enthusiasm spread through the group she led like fire through a can of gas.

This fantastic Child of God is known throughout our congregation as Mrs. Diedra Brown. She is the choir leader of our church, Crossover Church of Spokane, Washington. She is a highly talented musician and vocalist and she plays several different musical instruments extremely well.

As a new, albeit reluctant, member of our church choir, I have grown to so appreciate and admire Deidra Brown and what she has done for me. Using the talents and abilities that only she possesses as given to her by God Almighty, she took an unsure, highly uncomfortable, and untrained older fellow who had little or no self confidence in his ability to sing and poured that effervescent enthusiasm into him and the other choir members which included her husband Dr. Lynn Brown and trained them into a powerful, harmonizing, and message delivering group of polished singers. All glory be to God!

So just remember, no matter who you are, where you are, what your are doing and how well or not-so-well you are prepared to do it,…YOU,…yes you, can do anything that you really want to do if you will simply make the necessary changes in your thought processes and then accept the guidance and training other people are willing to give you.

Get excited and stay excited and drink deeply from the “Well of Enthusiasm” that God sends into your life. You truly can succeed at anything for which you have unlimited enthusiasm.


Peace and Love to All of You……………….Poppa Bear

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